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A Simple Plan For Building
A SIMPLE PLAN FOR BUILDING AREA, STATE AND NATIONAL PROGRAMS ... (it worked back then!) by Paul Mischefski, Australia Some historical regrouping that may be still relevant to successfully building Area, State and National programs and Spiritual service to new people....
Refresher Profile Consultant Training Schedule
Dear Contracted Instructors and Consultants, Now is your opportunity to prepare for all of the searchers you will undoubtably find. You can do this by refreshing yourself in all of the basics. Keeping you and your service crystal clear will allow you to cleanly,...
The Joys of Summer Camp
I went to summer camp this year the first week, which was group work week. I wanted to refresh my group work skills as I have been leading lots of group work this year over the zoom platform as a leader. I invited Julie Wineinger to summer camp. She had called...
Having Fun Growing Spiritually and Sharing with Others
By Dawn Overstreet, Atlanta, GA The night before the Floodgates tour opened, my own personal floodgate opened and began flowing. I fell into a deep sleep and then very early in the morning I was awakened, surely by my inner guidance. I don't remember so much of the...
Trusting My Inner Compass
Today, as I write this sharing of my experience at the PCCI/Floodgate Retreat held on Easter Weekend in Las Vegas, I am reminded that everything is an opportunity to work with energy. I choose to attend this retreat to continue to invest in myself. I broke, the what,...
The Spiritual Freedom Series
The College has "beta launched" an online Free and Paid Lecture, 2nd night and Home Study titled 'The Spiritual Freedom Series.’ This new service is housed in a new online course delivery software and is set up for searchers to experience through a leader's referral....
The Game Changer
This message is directed towards all Facilitators, Instructors and Consultants in the program, past and present . . . but is available to all. Team, we are officially ready for the great leap forward. We are now in a time where people will be searching more. The...
by Elise Wilson, Ontario, Canada to move or travel very quickly, to increase quickly to change from a long shot to a close-up or vice versa to make the image of something or someone appear much nearer or farther away A few years ago I decided that I needed to become...
Experiencing a Life Lesson
There is a memory I share sometimes. It meant a great deal to me. You can say it was one of those experiences that shook me into instant reality and showed me the many aspects of loyalty I lived. The first time I met Dr. Francisco Coll was at the Eastern Canadian...
Rhythm and Routine
by: Amanda Jackson My own personal rhythms and routines work within the framework of the society in which I live. After all, I brush my teeth twice a day because society has taught me to do so. On the macro level I live on a small blue sphere floating in space. ...
Leadership is not about reaching a destination. It is about going on a lifelong journey.
Leadership is not about reaching a destination. It is about going on a lifelong journey.
I had a dream a few nights ago that brought back a lot of moments in my in my life that showed the gravity of my experiences I have had, been challenged by, and mastered as I journey through my life.
Often in my early life it was about rushing to be outside the immediate situation and on to a next point in time. In situations where there is discomfort there is also the realization the discomfort begins within myself and what I become comfortable with. This can lead to ignoring the alert or finally looking for a solution.
Through my various marketing and sales opportunities in life I have come to realize that just providing information, getting out of the way of a person’s decision has always been a great success for me. Pressure was never a success tool. My common sense or perhaps listening to my feelings, and being aware of people’s reactions towards a ‘hard sell’ convinced me that decisions are personal. Hopefully, they are based on an individual’s best interest and their goals.
My own journey began when I was born. I absorbed tendencies from my environment. When I began to grow into questioning things, I began to watch situations. I began to understand what I felt and what I thought was a bit at odds. Doing my best, and at a tender age, I began to resist the confusion.
My ability to check with my inner guidance has been the steel fist in a velvet glove to move beyond confusion. I find clarity in making concise decisions. Since coming to know and enjoy the relationship of my inner guidance I now experience the feeling of being “at home”. I migrated towards clarity when I was introduced to guidance. My decisions begin with checking with my inner guidance on the following:
Is it in my best interest
Does it apply to my thrust and its fulfillment
Does it help me reach my goals spiritually
In the bigger picture will it bring me closer to what I have come to do
When I commit to something it must have structure. It must be free of influence, free of pressure, free of other opinions and it must be fun.
But most importantly I always want to know that it is helping me blend the past experiences into a present wisdom that allows me to just be and journey on into my future.
A Policy I can Live With
A Policy I can Live With
by Esther Karhu
My first policy is happiness. It is often how I know if something is right for me or not. If I am truly living my thrust and being the real me, I will have this feeling of happiness inside regardless of what I am doing, even when cleaning the chicken coop.
There have been times in the past where I have had the feeling and let my fears keep me from following through with some project or adventure. Those were expensive lessons. So when I first heard about the International Regrouping in St. Croix (Wayshowers College annual regrouping held March 2020) and felt this feeling, I knew it was for me.
A Cure for What Ails You
A Cure for What Ails You
by Tiger Coll
There has been a great deal of excitement over the current flavor of “dis-ease” lately. The game is, or the confusion is, How can we keep them ‘hooked’? The answer is easy, Keep them in their Emotions.
There is nothing wrong with “emotions”. Just remember that emotions are only a means-to-an-end; Learn from them. But one thing is clear, the more you become masterful in an area, the less emotions you will experience in that area. Instead you will become a living example of feeling & understanding; the example of health & beingness. Your guidance are also good examples of this.
Since you are becoming masterful, here are a few things that may help you navigate this latest “excitement” going on.
Begin Each Day Anew
Begin Each Day Anew
by: Halina Oleskowski
“Finish each day and be done with it. You have done what you could. Learn from it; tomorrow is a new day.”– Ralph Waldo Emerson
The image that pops into my mind having read this quote is of a family or a group of people at the dinner table. They have just finished the business of consuming their meal and are now replete.
Now it is time to digest the food or energy they have eaten. I see them relaxed and at peace, enjoying the moment, enjoying the company and perhaps also enjoying a glass of wine as they share about their day, reluctant to move just yet. Feeling connected with no urgency to move into action just yet and knowing that when that time comes around it will be at a different pace for the rest of the day. There is contentment, agreement, and co-ordination.
Finding and Creating Your “Tribe”, Then Keeping Them Connected
Finding and Creating Your “Tribe”, Then Keeping Them Connected
by Halina Oleskowska
Facebook and social media platforms enable you to reach people worldwide. For practical reasons, it is best to focus locally.
However, local, is not just limited to where you live or physically offer your services, where you offer your events (intros, workshops, courses, etc.) It is fluid because you may feel inspired to do what we used to call a “Clover Leaf Tour” which means you will be creating pivots of energy in say three towns or suburbs around where you currently live.
Click Link below to read full article in Success section of our blog.
Growth Experience
Growth Experience
By Esther Karhu
The instructor, in a course I took, directed us to ask our spiritual guidance for a time when we were living our Thrust. I took several deep breaths and mentally asked my guidance for a time or experience where I was doing just that. I was immediately taken to a time as a child when I was camping with my family. I got up early before everyone else and would leave the tent to build a fire. We were in the High Sierra Mountain range, and even though it was Summer the mornings were very cold at that altitude. I loved building that fire, early in the morning, before anyone else got up. I started doing it every morning. After I got this experience I was puzzled for a bit as to what it had to do with living my thrust, which is Life is a Growth Experience.
Your Spiritual New Year
It’s September, the beginning of the Spiritual Year … ¡¡¡ Happy New Year !!! Be sure to have a good feeling of ‘what’ you would like to accomplish for yourself this year. You have all the time in the world, but when you tune into your personal growth, What do you...
In Living Breath – Spiritual New Year
Welcoming the Spiritual New Year! Over the last year, it seems I swam a great ocean. Today, still riding the wave of change that transpired, it appears the ripples upon the shore are most welcoming and a sign this year will be a steady appreciation of each day. I...
Welcoming the Spiritual New Year
September 1st marks the Beginning of the Spiritual New Year and the coming energy theme. This year it is Mastering Energy, a year to embrace and accept myself as I am and confidently jump in the stream of my passion by moving into action.
Master Energy this Spiritual New Year!
April Azzolino Share about the Spiritual New Year and the theme Mastering Energy. What patterns of energy are you ready to master?
“Unfolding the Missing Link in Your Practice”
From Robin Tim So:
Early in my studies I was told by one of my teachers that we are “all practitioners practicing the art of healing”.