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Summer Camp 2024

SUMMER CAMP June 22  – July 14 2024 The Flow of Energy – The Stream of Life | Ready yourself for the fresh energy moving through! Ride the wave of energy that brings new opportunity and freedom to the world. 

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Summer Camp 2023

Ready yourself for the fresh energy moving through! Ride the wave of energy that brings new opportunity and freedom to the world. Overview of the schedule this year! JUN 12 to JUN 17 - Week 1: Rise Up!JUN 10 to JUN 23 - Profile Training for College ProfessionalsJUN 18...

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Refresher Profile Consultant Training Schedule

Refresher Profile Consultant Training Schedule

Dear Contracted Instructors and Consultants,   Now is your opportunity to prepare for all of the searchers you will undoubtably find.  You can do this by refreshing yourself in all of the basics.  Keeping you and your service crystal clear will allow you to cleanly,...

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Summer Camp 2022

You are on a voyage; you are the mariner of the soul and of a purpose.  Once you accept it, you will find yourself sailing on great and deep seas. Overview of the schedule this year! JUN 11 to JUN 12 - PCC Retreat: Live your Purpose with Love JUN 13 to JUN 18 - Week...

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The “Easter Camp” Special

Wayshowers College®The “Easter Camp” Special* Release Forward *Sponsored by IPM International of Australia Friday through Monday ~~ 15th - 18th, April 2022   ‘Being’ with people is a need.  It is time to come together, regroup and advance into the delight of your...

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Floodgates Spring 2022

Tiger Coll is bringing the essence of the International Regrouping program to you ONLINE.“I will do it. I will have fun doing it. I will learn from it.” Dr. Francisco Coll Few times in history have we had so many things moving & flowing through, as we have now. ...

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The Spiritual Freedom Series

The College has "beta launched" an online Free and Paid Lecture, 2nd night and Home Study titled 'The Spiritual Freedom Series.’ This new service is housed in a new online course delivery software and is set up for searchers to experience through a leader's referral....

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The Game Changer

This message is directed towards all Facilitators, Instructors and Consultants in the program, past and present . . .  but is available to all. Team, we are officially ready for the great leap forward. We are now in a time where people will be searching more.  The...

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Summer Camp 2021

Overview of the schedule this year! JUN 26 to JUL 2 - Fellowshipping Together in FreedomJUL 3 to JUL 4 - Celebration + Fireside RegroupingJUL 5 to JUL 11 - Opportunities of LiberationJUL 12 to JUL 13 - Wayshowers Guide TrainingJUL 14 to JUL 16 - Relationships &...

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by Elise Wilson, Ontario, Canada to move or travel very quickly, to increase quickly to change from a long shot to a close-up or vice versa to make the image of something or someone appear much nearer or farther away A few years ago I decided that I needed to become...

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Online Training Opportunity

As we prepare for the New Spiritual Year to begin September 1st, "Full Service" we are poised to reach our apprentices like we never have before.  Online marketing efforts are reaching searchers in greater numbers and we need all leaders to be ready to be of service...

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Summer Camp 2020

Live interview with Tiger Coll!June 17th 2020 Here is the rundown of what’s on the schedule this year! JUN 26 to JUN 29 - Weekend Retreat: Soar with Your Charisma to the Heights of Wayshower SuccessJUN 29 to JUL 3 - Week 1: New Spiritual Horizons Expansion +...

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Your Spiritual New Year

Your Spiritual New Year

It’s September, the beginning of the Spiritual Year … ¡¡¡ Happy New Year !!! Be sure to have a good feeling of ‘what’ you would like to accomplish for yourself this year.  You have all the time in the world, but when you tune into your personal growth, What do you...

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Summer Camp 2019

Summer Camp 2019

Three Amazing Weeks of Inner Explorations
Prepare to come and fill up your Spiritual cup!
Week 1: Successful Foundations-Universal Foundations & PCC
Week 2: Express Inner Success-Spiritual Educator I Training
Week 3: Success in the 5th Dimension-Trance Training

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In Living Breath – Spiritual New Year

In Living Breath – Spiritual New Year

Welcoming the Spiritual New Year! Over the last year, it seems I swam a great ocean. Today, still riding the wave of change that transpired, it appears the ripples upon the shore are most welcoming and a sign this year will be a steady appreciation of each day. I...

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Welcoming the Spiritual New Year

Welcoming the Spiritual New Year

September 1st marks the Beginning of the Spiritual New Year and the coming energy theme. This year it is Mastering Energy, a year to embrace and accept myself as I am and confidently jump in the stream of my passion by moving into action.

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Materials Distributor Discount

Materials Distributor Discount

Order books online in quantities of 10 and receive a materials distributor discount of 40%. Everyone loves to read a book that will give them insights into themselves and their purpose.

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