The Tide that Raises all Ships

Spirit Camp starts June 10th OSCEOLA, IA

Ready yourself for the fresh energy moving through!

Ride the wave of energy that brings new opportunity and freedom to the world. 

Overview of the schedule this year!

JUN 12 to JUN 17 – Week 1: Rise Up!
JUN 10 to JUN 23 – Profile Training for College Professionals
JUN 18 to JUN 24 – Week 2: Rivers to One
JUN 25 to JUL 1 – Week 3: Freedom to Flow
JUL 2 & 4 –  Board Meetings & 4th of July Celebration!
JUL 3 to JUL 8 – Week 4: Voyage to Adventure

In Cart Discount 10% off $1000-$1999 and 15% off over $2000 if registered by June 5th.

The Tide that Raises all Ships

It is here! The many years, and many more events, has created a draw for fresh energy. Energy with will help cleanse and free.

You have a Team of spiritual helper … and you are on a team with Spirit. You have incarnated just right to do your work. You are perfect for what you come to do. Everything has transpired so that you are in the here and now.

It is time to refresh, regroup and renew yourself. Transformation and change is what we are up for in the world. Camp 2023 is the place you can prepare for it.

See you there Team

WEEK 1: JUNE 10 – JUNE 17

Courses are listed in numerical order with costs and prerequisites.

Express Your Success Workshop: put on by Non-profits. No prerequisites. Cost $30 for half day. Board members get 50% discount. Some of the areas covered: Refine your “Elevator Speech”, Ignite your Passion through Communication, Sharing vs Selling.

541: Inner Communication and Guidance. Prerequisite to have experienced the 1001 or 1000A & B Profile.
Cost is $80. Gain a deeper awareness of the relationship you have with your spiritual helpers. Learn how to be in constant clear communication with them and use the guidance they provide to be the success you have inside. Understand why you need to be your own first loyalty.

613WS Spiritual Ten Commandments Workshop $50 Prerequisites 1001

622C: Baptisms, Blessings & Benedictions. Prerequisite to have taken course 622, Open only to PCC Ordained Ministers, Licensed Ministers, Licensed Teachers, Licensed Students and Participating Members in good standing, the latter being certified as Lay Teachers.
Cost is $75.

656: Guardian Angels: My Messengers of Love. Prerequisite to have experienced the 1001 or 1000A & B Profile. Cost is $70.
In a smooth, loving vibration discover how you can pursue areas that hold you back in your communication with your Guidance and at the same time refine your spiritual gifts. Examine your concepts of angels, heaven and God in your first 7 years to see the effect it has on your communication today.

807: Chakras and the Glandular System. No prerequisite. Cost is $70.
Discover the balanced and out-of-balance state of each Chakra gland in this enlightening course. Experience attitudes caused by out-of-balance Chakra center and learn to release pressure to re-establish the flow of energy.  Become aware of the dynamic interaction between the spiritual and the physical planes as you more fully understand the relationship between your soul and body. Learn how your thinking can either block the flow of energy through your body, or keep it in harmony and balance.

825: The Dynamics of Color and Vibration. No prerequisite. Cost is $70.
Gain an awareness of the true spiritual nature and purpose of color as a means of directing strong energy.  Make your own personal file on how different color vibrations affect you and become more discerning about your feeling nature.  See how color stimulates feelings of excitement, tranquility, healing, enthusiasm, relaxation and confidence.  Learn to be effective in using color to heal your environment, yourself and others.  Understand how your energy can be like a laser beam, directed toward accomplishing your goals.

3001: PMM for the Western Society: Special Meditation Training. Prerequisite to have experienced the 1001 or 1000A & B Profile. Cost is $85.
Take a look at how you form a deeper communication within yourself and with your spiritual helpers, discern your thoughts from those of your Guidance.  Discover how you can more effectively use your conscious and unconscious mind to help you stay positive so you can be more successful.  Learn why doubting and assuming are pitfalls in communicating clearly with your Guidance.  Experience how you can – at any time- tune into a level of clear understanding to help you make your experiences in the universe relevant to your everyday life on planet earth.  Discover how abundant your metaphysical nature is through its oneness with all things.  Understand and know yourself better to feel the reality of your innate freedom.

4092: The Real Me: A Spiritual Being No prerequisite. Cost is $45.
Regroup some of the following questions and get a broad picture of what being a spiritual being is all about: Who am I? Where do I come from? Where am I going? What am I doing here? What are clear motives? How can I utilize my sensitivity better? What is the difference between wisdom and knowledge? Touch base with your loyalty to yourself and the responsibility you have for doing what you are doing and what you came to do. Gain understanding of your feeling nature in order to value the unique person you are. See how communication is the main key to your success in daily living.

5800: How to Spiritual Freedom Series: 5801 How to Present the SFS Lecture cost $75, offered on 17th.  The other SPS courses to follow: 5802 & 5803 How to Present the Embracing Your Spiritual Freedom Workshop  (2nd Step) cost $150 and 5101-5115 series Includes SFS Group Work and Group Work Courses cost $15 per session = $150, cost for 2 courses $90.

7091: The Wealth of Your Metaphysical Nature. No prerequisite, recommend1001. Cost is $45.
Learn to utilize your metaphysical communication system. Experience unique techniques to help you unfold the clairaudient and clairvoyant parts of your metaphysical nature. Discover how abundant your metaphysical nature is through its oneness with all things. Understand and know yourself better to feel the reality of your innate freedom. Obtain a big picture of the services offered by the astro-soul program that are available to you. Techniques in this course: “Going to the Source, Methods of Meditation, Aura Vision”.

8835: Spiritual Evolution of Man and Woman Prerequisite to have experienced the 1002A Profile. Cost is $140.
Discover how society’s concepts of male and female roles affect you as a soul. Learn how you were influenced in such areas as physical and mental abilities, family and business roles, companionship and sex. Look at your past and current attitudes through techniques and become more aware of your own values and how they affect your relationships with others. Explore ways to be happier and more fulfilled as a soul.

WEEK 1: JUNE 10 – JUNE 17
Profile Training Courses

Here are the profiles planned for week one, online and in person.  All start times are 6AM Central to 6PM Central, refresh for $500 and all Lifetime Refresh for $250 Profile courses are listed by number:
JUN 10th – 1001 Gifts and Guidance Orientation Profile $1,300
JUN 17th – 1001S Orientation Swing Update Profile $1,300
JUN 11th – 1002A Blockage Discovery Profile $1,300
JUN 16th – 1003C The Chakras Depth Chart Profile $1,500
JUN 13th – 1003D Spiritual Compatibility Profile $1,800
JUN 14th – 2001 Universal Energy Chart Profile $2,000
JUN 15th – 8101 Family Traditions and Concepts Profile $3,500

WEEK 2: JUNE 18 – JUNE 24
Rivers To One

Courses are listed in numerical order with costs and prerequisites.

5800: How to Spiritual Freedom Series: 5801 How to Present the SFS Lecture cost $75, offered on 17th.  The other SPS courses to follow: 5802 & 5803 How to Present the Embracing Your Spiritual Freedom Workshop (2nd Step)  cost $150 and 5101-5115 series Includes SFS Group Work and Group Work Courses cost $15 per session = $150; total cost for both courses $90. Full Series 5800 courses, Groupwork, and Groupwork Courses $400.

700: How to Present the Astro-Soul Orientation Lecture. No Prerequisites, Cost is $75 for first timers, $50 for refreshers and Free if you are taking any of the 764 Series (A, B or C).

705A: Your Intuitive Astro-Gift Experience: Punishment/Reward, Neglect/Attention: This course has the prerequisite of 1002-A: Blockage Discovery Profile; Recommended: 1002-B: The Policies and Procedures of Life Profile, each costs $165 Refine your astro-gift of intuition by understanding how it ties in with major areas of your personality. Reinforce your vibration of true concern by respecting your intuitive part. realize how it can be a strong pivot point for better inner communication. Bring out your joy of involvement by strengthening your intuitive part. Discover ways to know where lies the pivot point for self-respect. Find ways to pinpoint when you are in your intellect, your emotions, or your true feelings. Discover ways to release outdated modes of thinking and unrealistic ways of feeling brought from early years of training. be able to live like the man or woman you came to be. Realize from your early programming how your parents influenced your attitudes and habits. Experience how you can learn to live in the present moment.

764A: Trance Healing: A Deeper Communication  Prerequisites: experienced at least one 1002B profile, and taken courses 700, 701A, B & C, 714 and 760 or experienced at least one 1002B profile, 700, 744 and 727.  Costs $400 for first timers and $200 for refreshers

1005A, B, C, D: How to Administer the Astro-Gift of Intuition, Vision, Prophecy, Feeling Profiles June 23 6am-6pm Costs $250 Lifetime, $500 Refresh and $1600 for First Timer

Profile Opportunity This week by requests: Since Sunday through Friday are all 9am to 5 pm courses, there is time in the mornings and evenings to do profile training courses. To request one of these during week 2 contact the office The Profile courses that have already been requested are:

  • 1000A Types of Perception Orientation Profile & 1000B Spiritual Communication Orientation Profile
  • 1002B Policies and Procedures of Life Profile
  • 1003B Depth Therapy Profile,
  • 1300 Adventures of Service Profile
  • 2006 Personal Spiritual Regrouping
  • 7000 Personal Thrust Profile & 7000A Personal Thrust Profile II, 7004 Inner Guidance & My Spiritual Thrust Profile
  • 7005 The Seven Year Cycle-Scope Profile,
  • 7006 Intuition, Vision, Prophecy and Feeling Quali-Graph Profile
  • 8102 Balancing My Feel, Think, Act Profile and 9001 Wayshowers Guide Level 1 Profile

All of these profiles have the prerequisite being a consultant in the 1003A profile and the 1004 has the prerequisite of being a consultant in the 1003C profile. Refresher price is $500 for all of them, first timers prices vary. Please contact the College with any questions and let the College know if you would like to take any of these, when you will be here and if you are a refresher or a first timer.



WEEK 3: JUNE 25 – JULY 1
Freedom to Flow

Courses are listed in numerical order with costs and prerequisites. 764A and 705A both started on Saturday the 24th of June. You would need to register on week 2.

705A: Your Intuitive Astro-Gift Experience: Punishment/Reward, Neglect/Attention: This course has the prerequisite of 1002-A: Blockage Discovery Profile; Recommended: 1002-B: The Policies and Procedures of Life Profile, each costs $165 Refine your astro-gift of intuition by understanding how it ties in with major areas of your personality. Reinforce your vibration of true concern by respecting your intuitive part. realize how it can be a strong pivot point for better inner communication. Bring out your joy of involvement by strengthening your intuitive part. Discover ways to know where lies the pivot point for self-respect. Find ways to pinpoint when you are in your intellect, your emotions, or your true feelings. Discover ways to release outdated modes of thinking and unrealistic ways of feeling brought from early years of training. be able to live like the man or woman you came to be. Realize from your early programming how your parents influenced your attitudes and habits. Experience how you can learn to live in the present moment.

705B: Your Visionary Astro-Gift Experience: Perfectionism/Realism, Rejection/Acceptance: This course has the prerequisite of 1002-A: Blockage Discovery Profile; Recommended: 1002-B: The Policies and Procedures of Life Profile, each costs $165. Refine your Astro—gift of vision by seeing how it ties in with major areas of your personality. Realize how the natural ability to organize of your visionary gift can help you be more abundant in your life. See how planification and delegation can help you in your organization. Find ways to pinpoint when you are in your intellect, your emotions or your true feelings. See how your early programming from your parents influenced your habits and attitudes. Experience how you can be in a high level of energy at all times.

705C: Your Prophetic Astro-Gift Experience: Overconcern/Freedom, Submission/Equality: This course has the prerequisite of 1002-A: Blockage Discovery Profile; Recommended: 1002-B: The Policies and Procedures of Life Profile, each costs $165. By taking a good look at the different aspects of your Prophetic part, you will learn to utilize the positive aspects and avoid the pitfalls. Learn how rebellious feelings carried over from your childhood can keep you from being as successful as you could be today. Discover the key to releasing patterns of procrastination and impulsiveness by going back to your early training. Learn about how our society reinforces the habit of the indulgent personality by stimulating us to buy things we don’t need. Look at the qualities of a person who was raised by submissive parents, and explore the possible solutions for any negative tendencies they may have. Look at the qualities of a person who was raised by overconcerned parents, and explore a possible solution for any negative tendencies.

759A: Affluent: In-Depth Healing of Charkra Centers. Prerequisite to have experience the 1002A profile. Cost $110. This course will be given in two parts on the 26th and then second half on the 29th. Audit Price $25 each day. This course goes into what concepts through each chakra off and unique solutions for each one. You will learn about yourself, you will be involved in relaxing techniques, and consistently tune into respecting yourself and your environment. As you become more relaxed, the more energy your chakras will receive, which they can release to the rest of your physical body. As you understand yourself better each day of the week, you will be able to use your system for the purposes you have chosen, and can achieve the goals you have set for yourself.

764B: Experiencing the Spiritual Mysticism of Trance Healing: Prerequisites: experienced at least two 1002B profiles,
and taken courses 764A Cost is $425 for first timers, and $225 for refreshers.

764C: The Occult World of Trance and Mediumship. Prerequisites: experienced at least three 1002B profiles, and taken
courses 764 A and 764B. Cost $445 for first timers and $230 for refreshers.
All of the above are taken then a discount is given. The 700 course is free if you are taking any of the above.

Voyage to Adventure

Tiger Instructing Abundance Course Series Prerequisites to have experienced the 1003A, Fee $300. This will include material from several courses: Universal Laws of Abundance, Miracle Vibration of Spiritual Healing, excerpt from Tiger’s “Pure” Tour and other materials that deal with this topic. You will be certified in the following courses:  4407:  Universal Laws of Abundance, 580:  Expanding Your Material Abundance and Personal Direction (Clinic), 4510:  The Dynamics of Your Purpose, Motivation and Communication, and 4453:  Wishes, Hopes & Dreams:  The Birth of My Abundance

4th of July Celebration: includes fun, fire works, special meal, libations etc. $25.

705D: Your Feeling Astro-Gift Experience: Health Worries/Relaxation, Indulgence/Common Sense. This course has the prerequisite to have experienced the 1002-A: Blockage Discovery Profile; Recommended: 1002-B: The Policies and Procedures of Life Profile, each costs $165. Discover how your feeling gift was programmed during your early childhood. Take a look at your good and bad habits and how they affect you and keep you from being as successful as you could be. Investigate possible solutions to behavior patterns that you are ready to release. Learn about your emotions, feelings and intellect, and how they interact. Realize the importance of having yourself as your first loyalty.

783: Magnetizing My Future with Positive Energy. Prerequisite to have experienced the 1003A Profile. Cost is $120. Audit Price for those that are current $25 Regroup your past six months to see what you have been doing for yourself spiritually. Find out how you may be wasting some of your energy by being under the pressure of man-made time or by yearning.
Get a big picture of your life and what you will be doing spiritually for the next six months by experiencing “Magnetizing My Future.”

1110: Relationships and Contracts Profile Prerequisite to be a consultant in the 7004, 7001 or the 7000 and the 1003A. There are 4 additional parts to this profile. In addition to the 1110 there is the 1110 A-D, (normally $2,000 each). This course will be offered at a special price of $3,000 for all 5 parts for first timers and $1,500 for all 5 for refreshers. This Profile will give the client a big picture assessment of how they are doing at this time with their spiritual contracts in four areas: Me (the contract or plan they have with themselves), guidance, Opportunities (this can be in business or any opportunity) and with People (relationships). Simplify your understanding of your orientation to yourself, affinity, contracts and your relation to people, things and places. You will receive keys to uplift your energy to your full potential and move forward towards your next plateau of mastery.

Profiles: Since Wednesday through Friday are all 9am to 5 or 6 pm courses, there is time in the mornings and evenings to do profile courses. There is also Saturday and Sunday the 8th & 9th that could be all day profile courses. Weekend ones could be offered online. Some of the Profile courses that have been requested are:

  • 7004 Inner Guidance and My Spiritual Thrust Profile: suggested Wed. – Fri. evenings SCHEDULED
  • 1004 Balance of Thought and Feeling Profile: – SCHEDULED
  • 1000A Types of Perception Orientation Profile & B Spiritual Communication Orientation Profile ,
  • 1002B Policies and Procedures of Life Profile,
  • 1003B Depth Therapy Profile,
  • 1300 Adventures of Service Profile,
  • 2006 Personal Spiritual Regrouping Profile,
  • 7000 Personal Thrust Profile & 7000A Personal Thrust Profile II,
  • 7005 The Seven Year Cycle-Scope Profile,
  • 7009G Concepts We Have About Ourselves Profile – SCHEDULED
  • 7009H My Spiritual Contracts – SCHEDULED  
  • 8102 Balancing My Feel, Think, Act Profile and
  • 9001 Wayshowers Guide Level 1 Profile.

All of these profiles have the prerequisite being a consultant in the 1003A profile and the 1004 has the prerequisite of being a consultant in the 1003C profile. Refresher price is $500 for all of them, first timers prices vary. Please contact the College with any questions and let the College know if you would like to take any of these, when you will be here and if you are a refresher or a first timer.

Meals and Lodging Information – No Discounts Apply

Please register early for meals and lodging as this helps with planning.  Below are meal and lodging fees during Summer Camp:

Lodging – $75/Private Room; $25/night; $10/night tent or RV.
Daily Meals $27/day. Or purchasing separately – $8.00/Breakfast; $9.00/Lunch; $10.00/Dinner
If staying off grounds $5/day grounds fee, plus meals.

Note:  All meal registration will need to occur at least 2 days ahead and meal payments are non-refundable. Airport Pickup available. Please call the office to reserve an airport pickup (641) 454-6335.

If you have questions or concerns please contact the office, (641) 454-6335 or