Sharing on the Spiritual New Year Theme

FULL SERVICE by: Dawn Overstreet The new year’s theme reminds me of a gas station. Do you remember what full-service gas stations are like?  There are fewer of them, but the ones that continue to provide a wide range of services continue to be happy to do so. They are...

Practicing Your Personal Power

By now you have heard of, “The Need to Share Spiritually.”  With all the shifting going on, the opportunities are more available than ever.  If you want to be a light in the mist of confusion, then utilize this time to do it.  During good times, people search.  During...

Expanding Involvement: Tips on Doing Zoom Courses

Its been an interesting time adjusting to online program both giving it and participating in it. Firstly, the basics haven’t changed.  Discern what is needed  for the audience you are serving then select the course. Then start promoting the same way you always have, ...

A Policy I can Live With

by: Esther Karhu My first policy is happiness.  It is often how I know if something is right for me or not.  If I am truly living my thrust and being the real me, I will have this feeling of happiness inside regardless of what I am doing, even when cleaning the...
A Cure for What Ails You

A Cure for What Ails You

Hello Team, There has been a great deal of excitement over the current flavor of “dis-ease” lately.  The game is, or the confusion is,  How can we keep them ‘hooked’?  The answer is easy, Keep them in their Emotions. There is nothing wrong with “emotions”.  Just...