The Way of the Plumber

The Way of the Plumber By Shon O’Connor-VZ Often previous lessons make references to the “Way of the Carpenter”. We gain a lot of lessons from the carpenter messages. Yet, in the actual translation, the word was related to the “Building Trades” not limited to...

Are You Inspired – Are You Ready for 2022

You have the tools you need as professionals to inspire the inner security so needed by many today! For a positive movement towards a new physical year, there is so much opportunity to take every moment to inspire the person next to you. As spiritual educators you can...
Leap of Faith

Leap of Faith

“an act of believing in or attempting something whose existence or outcome cannot be proved” (per the dictionary) I often ask myself how something is interfering with my Mobility. And, I need to evaluate what I will do about it. After doing these things, I...

We Are Perfect As We Are

Just returning from a journey back to where I was born, I was comforted with how wholesome all things are.   A little family reunion was planned. In amidst the many things my trip was intended, I decided to go by and do a bit of social. It was really good to see...
An Interview With Anna Carling

An Interview With Anna Carling

“I aspire to look at everyone in the eyes to see the reflection of their soul.” An Interview with Anna Carling, Toronto, Ontario Canada, Doctor of Oriental Medicine, Public Health Nurse, Teacher of Meditation, Author. Interviewed by Dawn Overstreet. The...

Experiencing a Life Lesson

There is a memory I share sometimes. It meant a great deal to me. You can say it was one of those experiences that shook me into instant reality and showed me the many aspects of loyalty I lived. The first time I met Dr. Francisco Coll was at the Eastern Canadian...