“I aspire to look at everyone in the eyes to see the reflection of their soul.”

An Interview with Anna Carling, Toronto, Ontario Canada, Doctor of Oriental Medicine, Public Health Nurse, Teacher of Meditation, Author. Interviewed by Dawn Overstreet.
The World Call has brought some inspiring people together. I reached out to Anna after the last call to find out she too is a kindred spirit to the teachings of Dr. Francisco Coll.
In my excitement I did a Zoom interview with Anna and found it not only exciting to meet her but cherish the wisdom she loves to share with others so freely. I hope you enjoy the interview. Just click on Anna’s picture to be taken to this live interview.
Anna is a Believer in trusting the terms of evolution, hugs, laughing and living in the now.
“I was born in Finland and graduated in Helsinki as a public health nurse. Living in Toronto and New York when young I worked in the Toronto Western Hospital and United Nations Health Service in New York.
Independent and exploring creative ways of healing I trained in improvisational theatre and taught children creative drama and dance for balanced mental health, even received a Canada Council grant for further studies in England. Soon afterwards I established Claremont Center for Human Potential where lectures, nutrition, movement and meditation were part of its programs.
I became a doctor of Oriental medicine because in early times the origin of life and Its Way – Tao was central to medical practices. I was licensed in California and did post graduate work in Shanghai. And from 1990 till 2009 I had a TCM practice in Toronto.
With the wealth of my studies, work-life experiences and as a Healing Tao instructor (1992) I encourage Self-Healing on my website www.HappySoulHealthyBody.com“.