NOW – Spiritual Theme of the Month

PRESENT: It is in this moment, that I know myself and Spirit . . . I know the Universe (the All). I will not uncover it in the past. I will not discover it in the future. While this concept has been shared many times, it’s truth will be for all time. That abiding truth: it is and will always be the present where I am, and where spirit resides. It is where my fulfillment of my life’s work happens. This is reality and simplicity. I feel my heart beat. I hear the need. I see the solution. I know the path. I am empowered to do and be it all, because I am here (not someplace else). It is so easy to flow with spirit and reach my goals; I have to work hard at not being successful. It is not very popular to live in the present . . . more popular to live emotions stirred up by what was or may be. But at some point, I have enough experience and wisdom, to live this moment. It’s a beautiful thing, and all things are possible in it. There is nothing I cannot accomplish or fulfill when I have made the decision to be my purpose and freely release that which is not.


The Way of the Wayshower®
©Alley Creative Inc. 2020