July 2024

EASE- Spiritual Theme of the Month ASSIST: Ease in life expands as I assist the spirit in it.I am committed to fulfilling my purpose within all my opportunities. With that motive crystal clear, I can relax. Whether I am in full action, strongly communicating, or in...

June 2024

NATURALLY- Spiritual Theme of the Month EASILY: Success easily, abundance naturally, and happiness will be throughout.“A clever person turns great troubles into little ones, and little ones into none at all.” It is my opportunity to allow energy to flow easily; like...

Summer Camp 2024

The Flow of Energy - The Stream of Life Summer Camp USA June 22  – July 14 2024Osceola, Iowa Ready yourself for the fresh energy moving through! Ride the wave of energy that brings new opportunity and freedom to the world.  WEEK 3July 7 – July 14  ...

May 2024

INNER AUTHORITY- Spiritual Theme of the Month WISDOM: “Do not let what you cannot do interfere with what you can do.” Wisdom comes from applying what I have learned into a way of life. Wisdom is having the concern to do what is in my best interest, while being of...

April 2024

DECISION- Spiritual Theme of the Month DETERMINATION:  There is no daylight between me and my purpose, me and my mission . . . there is no “daylight” between me and my service (my love for people). What this means in practice is, I do not allow anything to get in...

March 2024

ADAPT- Spiritual Theme of the Month Bend:  I am willing to do what is necessary in order to accomplish my purpose.  Regardless of the job or any other people who may be involved.  That is clarity.  As long as I am clear in my purpose, I’ve got-it-made.  If my purpose...