Guiding Light – Spiritual Theme of the Month

CLARITY: There is a core from which I draw, in order to accomplish my purpose and achieve my goals; a place that is both pure and divine. Let’s call it, Needs. When I pivot and move from my “needs,” I am in-charge of my energy. I act on what is truly mine and what I came to fulfill. Life then becomes simpler and there is a clarity in what comes to me, as well as what I say and do. When I try to ‘draw’ from the outer for answers, I have troubles. I look to what others want, rather than what I need. I begin reacting based on fear, half-truths and manipulation. Everything quickly becomes mixed up, unclear — soon I am entangled with people and things I did not come to work with. The worst part of this is, my energy gets misused and I waste a great deal of time. However, I must always remember I have the power to do what I come to do. It is coming home to the clarity of my purpose and my aspirations; my needs.


The Way of the Wayshower®
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