Reincarnation and the Evolution of My Soul Course

Spiritually you are energy evolving from lifetime to lifetime? Have you had inklings of your Past Lives? Who were you male, female, understanding your relationships, or your profession/skills? Each lifetime you are growing from your experiences. It takes many...

The Wealth of Your Metaphysical Nature Course

Do you often doubt the messages that come from your psychic senses? What is the essence of your meta-physical truth? Gain a better understanding of your inner communication system you were born with making it practical in your daily life. What you will experience:...

Love: My True Reality Course

  Discover how your love energy works for you this February in expressing your authentic self. How loyal are you to yourself balancing giving and receiving of love? Do you have a fear of love? Are you challenged in accepting more love into your life? April...

New Spiritual Horizons Submersion Workshop

New Spiritual Horizons Submersion Workshop New Spiritual Horizons™ is the discovery, study and experience of the REAL YOU offering tools to tap into your inner guidance, your spiritual gifts and your innate abilities. Are you looking for a deeper connection within...

You, Your Life, Your Energy Class

The Power of Your Energy is a creative, evolving movement. How are you doing working with the power of you? Are you feeling drained and barely thriving or are you climbing your mountain with a positive effect? In this 90 minute segment allow yourself to learn and grow...