Profound Mystical Meditation Training Department

Intruct | Consult | Group Leader

There is no greater feeling than the fulfilling serenity of guiding people to find and bask in their own “Sea of Tranquility.”  Expanding on the great eastern techniques for meditation and inner awareness, as a Profound Mystical Meditation leader, you will become skilled in maintaining balance and in using intuitive, visual, knowing and feeling perceptions to help others.

You will learn how to guide people to a create a daily routine of gaining valuable insights into their progress as souls living in two worlds at once.  This Meditation in Action discipline is empowering and fun.  Being a leader in PMM will settle you, lift you to new personal heights and inspire you to be a walking ocean of inner peace!

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Profound Mystical Meditation Group Leader Certifications

Complete the above Groupwork Leader Training at your own pace. Classes can be taken one at a time and in a immersion type Training Package.

Profound Mystical Meditation Courses

Present 3 hour mini courses or full day workshops in your community.

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Continue your professional training

Learn how to administer spiritual profiles beginning with 1001A.

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