Inner Peace Movement Training Department

Intruct | Consult | Group Leader


Expressing your Inner Leadership to inspire others to be the leader of themselves is the core of the Inner Peace Movement training programs.  Being an IPM Leader, you not only experience how to use your innate wisdom and inner guidance, you have the confidence and skills to help searchers at all levels of self-understanding gain new direction and life purpose.

EE Lift

You will discover greater patience and live and let live feelings to apply to your own relationships   You will learn how to be firm, but fair when others around you are growing by receiving advanced training in group and workshop facilitation.

As an IPM Wayshower, you will become a master in the top 20 Qualities of Successful Leadership!

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Inner Peace Movement® Leadership Training Courses

Orientation Course Training

Techniques for the New Spiritual Horizons and Foundations of Spiritual Development group work

Techniques for Exploring the Wisdom of My Universe group work

Group Facilitation and Course Instruction

Prerequisite for all technique courses: Have experienced the techniques in IPM group work.

Additional Training

Make a difference in your community!

Present 3 hour mini courses in your community.

Experience the Past. Present. Future.

Spiritual Educator Training

Complete the above Groupwork Leader Training at your own pace. Classes can be taken one at a time and in a immersion type Training Package.

Continue your professional training

Learn how to administer spiritual profiles beginning with 1001A.

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