Course Information

For Contractors & Consultants

Departments of Study Descriptions for Contractor

Inner Peace Movement
ipm_175pxInner Peace Movement® programs help individuals discover Practical MetaphysicsSM. Everyone has ESP. Inner Peace Movement programs help people unfold their innate gifts. IPM programs offer a broad-based training in all areas of spiritual unfoldment. You will become more in charge of your own energy; a leader of your self.
Profound Mystical Meditation
pmm_logo_175pxProfound Mystical Meditation for the Western Societysm offers a very unique meditation discipline that can help change a person’s life. Special meditation training and sensitivity seminars enable people to attain higher levels of awareness. Each person unfolds their own Sea Of TranquilitySM technique that is used to buffer them against the pressures of daily living.
Astro Soul
aslogomaster_purple_blue_175pxASTRO SOUL® programs provide an indepth experiences by looking at the soul from a timeless perspective. Programs on dreams, energy, and reincarnation help clarify how past lifetimes can affect each of us today. In-depth healing of past associations can improve the quality of life. Special techniques and energy help individuals experience Astro projection and the unlimited nature of the soul.
Department of Religion and Philosophy
This department also services as the Wayshowers College Seminary for the Peace Community Church Ministerial Training and Certification.
Growing Executives of Tomorrow
oa_logo_200Growing Executives of Tomorrow youth program helps “old souls in young bodies” unfold their confident inner leadership by working with their sensitivity and spiritual guidance. This is an action and accomplishment-oriented program that promotes teamwork. GET prepares young adults to meet personal goals within the framework of modern society.