Wayshowers College
Summer Regrouping & Camp

Pioneering Spirits
Awaken the Seeds of Inspiration

June 21 - July 13
Osceola, Iowa

Camp content details and registration Information is coming soon

Week 1

Astro Soul Training

764 Trance Healing 

Week 2

Tiger's Programs

4th of July Festivities

Week 3

Non-profit Programs

Tiger's Programs Cont.

​Weekend Courses - June 21-22, 28-29, July 5-6, 12-13

Profile certification and other advanced training will be offered on the weekends.

​Week 1 - June 23 - 27

Astro Soul Courses & Trance Healing Table Training

This week, we will focus on the profound healing provided by Astro Soul courses. Classes will pivot around the Trance Healing (764) series.

​Week 2 - June 30 - July 4

Tiger Coll's Course Headlines this Week

TIger's classes are the "tip-of-the-spear" in spiritual understanding. 

Our 4th of July Celebration is the stuff of legends.

​Week 3 - July 7 - 11

Non-profit Affiliate programs

Join IPM International, Peace Community Church, and Wayshowers Community Fellowship sponsored classes and workshops for a week of personal expansion and healing

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