Wayshowers College Departments of Study
Wherever you are in your personal growth, you are at the right place to continue your expansion. The Wayshowers College departments of study offer you a mean to reach the next level in your Spiritual unfoldment. The wisdom, tools and techniques in these programs are simple, practical and powerful. They help you make personal spiritual growth a way-of-life and life style.
You are perfect for what you have come to do. Our programs help you build on what you already have.
Spiritual Freedom Series™
New to our programs? If so, this is where we suggest you start.
The Spiritual Freedom Series combines all of the College's spiritual and personal development programs into one Curriculum for Life™. It offers simple steps to assist you in your spiritual journey and show you how to make your spiritual abilities practical in your daily life. It re-awakens you to the foundational spiritual truths found in all aspects of life and prepares you to make them a ‘way of life’ rather than just an intellectual understanding.
Inner Dynamics™ - Inner Peace Movement®
Created by the founders, the Inner Peace Movement was the first spiritual program to receive nationwide coverage in the media. As such, it helped pioneer a the spiritual awakening so prevalent around the globe today. IPM and Inner Dynamics programs help to bring-out your inner leadership, purpose and spiritual growth without dogma or theology. It is the basis for your venture here on planet earth.
Profound Mystical Meditation™
The Profound Mystical Meditation program helps you unfold your mystical nature and start attracting greater success. PMM focuses on maintaining a balance of thought and feeling while discovering the deeper realities of your personal, business, and social relationships. You build a deeper communication with your Angels, as well as maintain an inner Sea of Tranquilitythough your life's opportunities.
Astro Soul®
Astro Soul is the exploration into the fifth dimension and the unconscious mind. In Astro Soul programs, you move from the dimension of space-time to light-time, traveling as a free agent at the speed of light. Without eyes you can see, without ears you can hear and without a physical body you can feel! You will realize that life on Planet Earth is but a blink of an eye in the time span of eternity.
Religion & Philosophy
Peace Community Church®
The Department of Religion and Philosophy of the College clarifies your religious and philosophical concepts in relation to your Spiritual Reality. In the community, Peace Community Church Programs create a fellowship of people meeting in a loving and non-judgmental atmosphere. These Circle of Love gatherings offer healing techniques that uplift and inspire a balance of giving and receiving. They are open to people of all cultures, faiths and spiritual education who desire to grow in acceptance and respect for all mankind.
New Spiritual Horizions™
You are a soul with immense potential, energy & power.
The New Spiritual Horizons program is a deep but gentle way to begin your personal growth. There are no prerequisite and it establishes the basics for you to build on. This program helps creates greater inner secure, healing and a directed energy within you. Re-discover who you really are and move beyond any fear of success.
The New Spiritual Horizons program is a deep but gentle way to begin your personal growth. There are no prerequisite and it establishes the basics for you to build on. This program helps creates greater inner secure, healing and a directed energy within you. Re-discover who you really are and move beyond any fear of success.