New Spiritual Horizons

Course Series

Nine Wayshowers College™ courses designed to reinforce and accelerate your personal evolution.

These 3-hour courses are drawn from four unique departments to ensure comprehensive spiritual development. Each course focuses on a key area, ensuring no "holes in your training" and expanding your spiritual horizons. You'll experience a deeper connection with your soul, spiritual gifts, inner guidance, and creative and healing abilities. This is learning and growth at its finest.

The Real You: A Spiritual Being

You are a soul with immense potential, energy & power when you know how to direct it.
When you can direct your energy, you’ll create a different kind of life for yourself – the one that you really want to live!
Discover a simple, experiential and practical approach to spiritual development. Learn to tune in and get your own answers and best direction. Re-discover the truth of who you are.
Experience your Soul Power; the Real You – A spiritual being. Gain insights into what you have come to do this lifetime and the next steps in your life’s direction. Release fear of success that prevents you from fulfilling your unique purpose.
“Whatever you do with your life, you came here to benefit yourself, to grow in consciousness and to be of service to all humanity” – Dr. Francisco Coll

Experiencing My Inner Harmony

Learn a meditation technique that is simpler and more practical than traditional Eastern meditation. You’ll instantly go to your Sea of Tranquility and Connect with your Team of Guardian Angels for solutions. You can take this tool home with you to use often to be in harmony and balance and stay in the POSITIVE VIBRATION and FEELINGS that will manifest what you most desire in life.
You will come back to your real spiritual nature – Your True Feelings. The more you can be in BALANCE with your intellect and feelings, and BE in your true feelings, you will live a life of joy, ease and abundance.

Giving: A Crystal Clear Vibration

Many of the habits, traits, and attitudes we carry today were passed down to us in childhood and continue to influence our lives, often creating stress. These patterns may have taught us to expect rather than to give freely, leading to self-created challenges. In this course, you'll uncover and clarify early programming that may still be holding you back.
As you grow and mature spiritually, you'll realize that you no longer need to act to please others, seek attention, manipulate, or compete. Instead, you'll learn to live in harmony with your true self.

On Schedule with Your Plans

Empower yourself with the tools to tap into the wisdom within you. This will provide clarity on the next steps in your life’s purpose, guiding you towards your goals and dreams.
You have a unique life purpose. No one can do what you came here to do in this lifetime. Does your life purpose feel out of reach? Discover how to clarify what you’re here to do and reach your goals and dreams!
It is one thing to have goals but another to have clearly defined goals. When your wants are clearly defined, the universe and your angels can work to provide you with the means to reach them! The how is not your job. Leave the “how” up to your Spiritual Helpers. Clearly define the “what” IS your job. And if you are missing the WHAT of your life purpose and goals, you are lost and misdirected. You will DEFINE your clear goals based on your true heart’s desires. You do know what you want deep down inside. When you are aligned with your true wants & desires, this leads you to the path of your life purpose.l

Motivation Through Mystical Intuition

Explore your Intuitive (Clairaudient) perception and understand its impact on your life. Discover why those with intuition as their primary gift excel in leadership, are sensitive to negative environments, prefer direct communication, and shy away from details. Learn how intuitives need to understand before taking action and how their intuitive nature discerns energy.

Motivation Through Mystical Vision

Those with Vision (Clairvoyance) as their primary gift see vivid images in their mind’s eye. They can visualize all the steps needed to complete a task, often dreaming in color and bringing their ideas to life. Their keen eye for detail and natural empathy allow them to see what others may overlook. They have a tendency to become perfectionists. A Visionary can truly understand what walking in someone else’s shoes is like.

Motivation Through Mystical Prophecy

If Prophecy (Trance) is your primary gift, you receive impressions from the Universe through an “inner knowing.” You may often dream about the future and intuitively sense what others will say or do. This gift serves as your executive function, allowing you to manage multiple tasks simultaneously. These people need to be creative in order to stay grounded.

Motivation Through Mystical Feeling

If your primary gift is Feeling (Healing, Psychometry, Automatic Writing), you have the ability to sense the energy of people and your environment. You might often "feel" when someone is looking at you or notice subtle shifts in energy. Those with this gift enjoy details, working with their hands, and expressing themselves artistically. Because you transform energy into feelings, it’s crucial to maintain high, clear energy levels. Your Feeling gift is the "doer" within you, driving action and creativity.

The Wealth of My Metaphysical Nature

Your true metaphysical nature is limitless energy, but daily life can cause you to lose touch with your spiritual sensitivity. By unfolding and trusting your inner sensitivity and psychic impressions, you’ll be able to take action without hesitation and easily achieve your goals. You can become the success you were meant to be.
In this course, you'll:
  • Feel the unlimited power of your metaphysical nature and transcend the limits of Planet Earth's consciousness.
  • Understand the true purpose of your current lifetime on Earth.
  • Develop a closer relationship with your spiritual helpers/angels who are committed to your success.
  • Learn how to work with your spiritual guides to enhance your life and unlock your full potential!
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