Religion & Philosophy Training Department

Group Leader | Instructor | Consultant

NaturalCalmWomanIn a world governed by religious concepts of right and wrong, greater and lesser or good and bad, the need for shifting to a Spiritual way of life has never been stronger.  As a Peace Community Church – Circle of Love Wayshower you will have the backing of a host to Angels to assist others in breaking free of their own limiting concepts and habits.

Through practicing your own love and trust for yourself, you will feel calm, joyful benevolence flowing to your program participants as they learn how to release the past and forgive their sources of blockage.   You will help people to becoming loving
rather than judgmental, expressive rather than passive, uniting rather than dividing and healing rather than confusing.  You will become a bright light in people’s lives that inspires and balance of giving and receiving as they shine their own light on themselves, their loved ones and their world community!


This department also services as the Wayshowers College Seminary for the Peace Community Church Ministerial Training and Certification.

Learn More about the Religion & Philosophy department by Exploring Get Involved.


Peace Community Church Group Leadership Courses

Additional Training

Make a difference in your community!

Complete the above Groupwork Leader Training at your own pace. Classes can be taken one at a time and in a immersion type Training Package.

Ministry Training

Licensed Student | Licensed Teacher | Licensed Minister | Ordained Minister
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Religion and Philosophy Department Courses

Present 3 hour mini courses,and full day workshops in your community.

Educate others on Religion and Philosophy

Explore Course Directory

Continue your professional training

Learn how to administer spiritual profiles beginning with 1001A.
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