Tiger Coll's Fall Tour
Renaissance of the Soul
Program & Regrouping

"We are now entering a time for renewal and restoration of foundations and fundamentals. 
Like gravity, or a current, we are moving towards it and nothing will resist it . . . instead we flow with it.
What is needed now is to begin by strengthening your own “foundations and fundamentals.
For what comes after is a ‘Spiritual Renaissance’ – A Spring-of-Opportunity and delight."

In this Program & Regrouping  we will begin with refreshing and strengthening your personal and spiritual foundations, then advancing.
We then set your energy for 2025, to build and have fun doing it.

Here are just a few areas we will be covering
* Clearer and deeper communication with Spirit.
* Greater practical use of your Gifts.
* Capitalizing on Challenge
* Transforming inner & outer negatives to 'Positives'
* Leading your energy in ‘Slipstream’ (the Theme of this year)
* Refresh purpose as a way of life.
* Finding new opportunities to practice being a Master Soul.
* and more ...

Prerequisites: Experienced profiles through the 1003A and having experienced one of the profiles where they get their thrust: 7001, 7004, or 7000.
Investment: Regular $300; $250 for early registration

Dates & Locations
2-3 November  –  New Jersey Program
9-10 November  –  Georgia Program
16-17 November  –  Virginia Program
30 Nov-1 Dec  –  Iowa Program
7-8 December  –  New Mexico Program

Register Here


A peep at some distant orb has power to raise and purify our thoughts like a strain of sacred music, or a noble picture, or a passage from the grander poets. It always does one good.

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