College Information


Americana Leadership College and International Conference Center

Nestled in the rolling hills of south, central Iowa is the 170 acre International Conference Center. For over 36 years people from around the world have come to discover their true inner self and their life purpose in a relaxing natural environment.

Retreats and seminars are conducted at various times throughout the year. Contact us for more information about our retreats and programs.

The primary purpose of The Iowa Center is to provide a relaxing environment where you can discover The Real You. Many times it is difficult unraveling some of the confusing feelings a person can experience in daily living. Retreats, programs, and activities are coordinated so that You can find Your answers that are right for You.

The International Conference Center holiday programs are an opportunity to meet your Spiritual Family. To have fun and fellowship, while learning.

Retreats and leadership training are also conducted by the associated programs of Inner Peace Movement, Profound Mystical Meditation for the Western Society, Peace Community Church, Wayshowers Community Fellowship, Astro Soul, and Americana Leadership College.