Dear Wayshower,

Once you have decided that your spiritual life is a priority, Trust and Patience become more important. That is because when you trust you are patient, when you are patient you trust. But another powerful area to unfold is your Inner Leadership.

The ability to lead others is important and well worth unfolding, but self leadership is essential! Your inner leadership is an amazing thing connected to your purpose. It sounds unusual to speak of leading one’s self, let-alone doing it. But how many people do you know who waste precious time, or do not truly get what they need out of their life’s situations?

Inner Leadership helps you utilize your time here and claim your opportunities here. Another way to say this is: With strong inner leadership, you will be at the right place at the right time doing the right thing …you will not waste your time or opportunity. You will be the director of your life …the leader of your life.

You did not come here to fulfill other people’s purpose, or be in someone else’s timing. You are working with, and wielding spiritual energy in everything you do. The more you are a leader of yourself, the more you fulfill what you’ve come to do effectively and efficiently.

This Summer Camp is focused on you and your inner-leadership. There is no need to ‘sell’ you on the value of Camp. You know the value. There is no need to ‘try’ to get you to Camp. You know what it is to ‘be’ at Camp. You know what it feels like to have your tools clean and sharp and you know what it is like when they are not.

As someone who is committed to their spiritual work, whether it is inspiring others, fulfilling your own personal purpose, or both, it is essential to keep your tools sharp and stay regrouped. This year will be a higher vibration than we have had in a long time. You can feel it building every day. Come join me.

The College and I are eager to see that your needs are met doing this work. Register today and ask about the special offers the College is extending to you. Whether you were here last year or have not been here for a long time, come and be a part of this energy. You will be more in the present, more squeaky clean and more relaxed than you have been in a long time.

Inspire your apprentices and emerging leaders to join you. Your tools for the Evolution Revolution are here.

See you there!
